Woolamai Newsletter - April Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
President’s Update
Board Update
Presentation night - Tickets available
Lifesaving services end of season update
Gerries Patrol and Ribs Night
End of Season Working Bee - Sat 27/4
LSV Awards of Excellence Nominations
Help us win a new IRB
Smith’s Beach Rescue Base - Donations needed
Callout for historic club items!
Wild About Wooli Holiday discount!
President’s Update - Jason Close
We have reached the end of the patrolling season. It’s been a mixed season with some real highs and lows. Thank you to everyone who has put in time on the beach or helped with things that needed doing off the beach. We couldn’t have done it without you.
I’d especially like to thank our members who gave up their time to patrol in March and April. Each year at this time our patrol numbers drop due to school, university, sporting commitments and so we really appreciate those members who kept going or stepped in to fill gaps.
Presentation Night
Soon our focus will shift to celebrating our season’s achievements at Presentation Night on Sat 18 May at Silverwater Resort in San Remo. It will also be a very special night for our young members receiving their Bronze Medallions or Surf Rescue Certificates as we welcome them to our Club. We will also be honouring our newest life member Peter Moate. Who will win the coveted Patrol of the Year Award? Don’t forget to buy your tickets. Read more below
AGM upcoming - We need you!
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the Clubhouse in late July -stay tuned for the date.
In the lead up to the AGM we will be advertising several Board positions to replace Board members who will be stepping down after a few years of distinguished service. At this stage we are looking for an additional Vice President, Director Communications and Director Member Development. These are very important roles that shape and steer the Club. The Club doesn’t run itself so if you are thinking about putting your hand up, then get in touch with myself or one of our current Board members and we can answer any questions you may have.
There are also a number of non-Board roles which need to be filled to help our Board members focus on their already busy roles. We regularly advertise these roles via our newsletter and Facebook ads.
Honour Boards
If you have visited the Clubhouse in the last few weeks you might have noticed that all of our honour boards have been updated.
As the boards hadn’t been updated for a few seasons, this was a big project which involved going back through annual reports and Club records to confirm all of our award winners.
Along the main upstairs corridor there are now up to date photos of all of our life members and presidents.
A big thank you to Graeme Clauscen and Terry Aslanidis for their work in updating the boards and photo boards and to the Cowes Men’s Shed for making up some of our new honour boards.
Valuing Volunteers -100+ patrol hour celebration
Following the completion of our patrolling season, we will be getting together with some of our neighbouring Clubs in the Bass District to recognise our members who have achieved over 100 patrol hours this season.
Achieving 100 hours is an incredible achievement which shows dedication, consistency and an extra level of service to the Club and community.
It will be a great opportunity to celebrate with our colleagues from Cape Paterson, Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Venus Bay and Waratah Beach.
Working Bees
This season there has been a lot of wear and tear on our Clubhouse and equipment.
There is a lot of tidying up needed and also work that has to be done to prepare ourselves for next season.
Between now and next season we will need to hold several working bees to ensure everything is in good shape.
We will also continue our efforts to revegetate the dunes around our Clubhouse.
We really, really need our members and their families to step up between now and next season, as last year our working bees and planting days were not well attended and this resulted in a lot of work being done by too few people.
We can also save the Club a lot of money by doing things ourselves. We have lots of skilled people in our Club community and there are also plenty of tasks that can be done by those of us without a particular skill but are willing to give it a go.
We ask a lot of our patrolling members and really appreciate their efforts in putting in countless hours into keeping our beaches safe. Working bees are a great opportunity for parents and other family members to make an important contribution to keeping our Club in great shape -and a great way to find out more about our Club.
See you down the beach soon.
Jason Close - President@woolamaibeach.asn.au
The Board made the following decisions:
This season Life Saving Victoria has decided not to host an event to recognise 100+ patrol hours. Certificates will still be provided for Clubs to present. Club Presidents from Woolamai Beach, Cape Paterson, Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Venus Bay and Waratah Beach have discussed this and believe a Club organised regional event should be organised. This was endorsed.
General Business
The Board discussed the various awards which will be awarded at this season’s Presentation Night which will be held on Sat 18 May.
Discussion also held about drop off in patrol numbers in latter part of the season and strategies to address this.
Honour Boards have been updated. Thank you to Graeme Clauscen.
Annual Report articles called for
Financial audit to be prepared immediately post 30 April
Numerous repairs required post season -ATV, boards. Garage door fixed.
Newhaven College SRC course proposed for June
Succession planning for next Board to be discussed at next Board meeting
Director Updates
Vice President - Fi Blackmore
Thank you to everyone who’s helped to support & drive our culture! This has occurred in many different ways: turning up for your scheduled patrol; stepping up at short notice to fill a vacancy; running a camp or award; being a trainer or assessor; encouraging skill development; challenging yourself to learn something new/go outside your comfort zone; supporting our Code of Conduct; being a 18+ person to support junior members staying overnight at the clubhouse; looking out for each other & checking in; applying for grants and acquitting them; looking after our clubhouse and residence; answering questions; cleaning up; coordinating a meal and/or social event; buying and sharing potato cakes; charging radios; restocking first aid kits; driving your kids or friends to patrol. And all the other things that ‘just’ get done, some seen and some not.
All these things matter, whether big or small. Thank you xx
Presentation Night - Tickets available! 18/5/2024
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Presentation Night is a chance for our members, partners, families and supporters to reflect on the season that was. It’s a time to welcome our latest brigade of Bronzies, to celebrate the new awards strived for and achieved, to recognize the difference our service makes and to honor those members who have made outstanding contributions in 2023/24 season.
Event Details
When: Saturday, 18th May 2024
Where: Silverwater Resort - 17 Potters Hill Rd, San Remo VIC 3925
Time: 6:30pm arrival for a 7:00pm start - 10:00pm
Dress Code: Formal Attire
Limited parking is available at the venue. A bus will be provided, to transport members between the clubhouse and the venue for no cost! For those wishing to use this service, please meet at Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club no later than 6:00pm. This transportation is limited and will only involve a single trip in each direction.
To purchase a ticket, visit our events page. https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/events
Cost includes a 2 course meal (dinner & dessert) as well as pre dinner nibbles. Drinks are at bar prices.
Ticket Prices
Junior Members (Under 18 on 18/5/24)- $60
Senior Members (18+ on 18/5/24) - $80
**Please note: Tickets are limited so get in quick to avoid missing out!
There will be no option to purchase tickets on the night. For all further enquiries, please contact Campbell Smart at lifesavingservices@woolamaibeach.asn.au or a member of the board
After Party
Following the formal presentation night, all members are welcome to join us back at the club for more drinks and a boogie! Drinks and nibbles will be available at the bar.
Life Saving Services End of Season Update
The 23/24 Lifesaving Season has officially finished. I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thankyou to all club members who have help in many different ways throughout the season and shape this club into what it is.
This season has proved difficult at times, but it has also shown us exactly what our club can do and achieve when its members band together and unite.
I am so tremendously proud and grateful for all who have given up their valuable time this season patrolling the beaches and keeping the public safe.
I look forward to seeing you all at presentation night on may 18th to celebrate
Campbell Smart - Director Lifesaving Services
Gerries Patrol and Ribs Night
On the 7th April following the Gerries patrol, the gerries held their annual Ribs night! A special thank you to all that attended and Seal for putting on a feast!
End of Season Working Bee
Saturday 27th April 1.00pm-5.00pm
During the last week of the season some renovations and improvements were made to the Clubhouse.
This includes works in the kitchen, function room and bunkrooms.
So that the Clubhouse can be ready to go for our next big event (Presentation Night after party) and for some of our between season courses and programs we need to have a working bee to tidy a few things up
The areas of focus will be
Bunkrooms -putting mattresses and mattress protectors back on beds
Gear room -tidying up the gear room and its cupboards
Training room -re-arranging furniture and removing things from the cupboards that do not need to be stored in the training room.
Once the working bee has finished we will open our new bar for anyone who would like to stick around.
Join the facebook event here https://fb.me/e/wMCqMGA0C
LSV Awards of Excellence Nominations
Nominations for the Awards of Excellence 2024 are now open until 11.59pm Sunday, 26 May 2024
The event will be held on Saturday, 10 August 2024 at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins.
There’s plenty of categories as seen below. If you’re thinking about nominating for an award please get in touch with a board member! This season we’ve been looking for an awards and member recognition officer. If you think you can help out with any of this process please get in touch as we’re always looking for help to make out applications sparkle
Member Recognition Manual
Please see the 2024 Member Recognition Manual.
Nominations are open for the following awards:
LSV State Outstanding Recognition Awards:
Life Saving Victoria Life Membership
President’s Certificate
John Wishart Memorial Medal – Lifesaver of the Year Graeme Long Memorial Medal ‐ Volunteer of the Year
Outstanding Achievement of the Year
Beaurepaire - Club of the Year
Dr Nigel Taylor ESM Innovation Award
Janet Jones OAM Inclusion Award
Lifesaving Operations Recognition Awards:
Beach Lifeguard of the Year
Rescue of the Year
Volunteer Trainer of the Year
Volunteer Assessor of the Year
Council of Lifesaving Club Award:
Administrator of the Year
Membership & Leadership Development Outstanding Recognition Awards:
Club Nipper Program of the Year Award (inc. Starfish Nipper Programs)
Nipper Program Volunteer of the Year
Community Education Award
Junior Lifesaver of the Year
Youth Lifesaver of the Year
Aquatic Sport Outstanding Recognition Awards:
Coach of the Year
Official of the Year
Emerging Official of the Year
Athlete U14 + U15 of the Year
Youth Athlete of the Year (U17‐ U19)
Open Athlete of the Year
Masters Athlete of the Year
Team of the Year (U14/U15)
Team of the Year (U17 to Open)
Masters Team of the Year
Education Awards:
Education Instructor of the Year
Swim and Survive Partner of the Year
Read more HERE
Help us win a new IRB
We need your help!
We’ve got the opportunity to win an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) thanks to Ampol.
We need your help to click on the link below and write an entry.
Feel free to think outside the box whether its using AI and Chat GPT to fuel your creativity ;) or keep it simple and focus on the benefits that a new IRB would provide the club.
To enter, simply share in 100 words or less why your club needs this essential equipment. The competition ends on Sunday 26 May 2024. Good luck to all participating clubs! Win an Ampol branded IRB Hull for your club in 2024! (jotform.com)
Smiths Beach Rescue Base Repairs - Donations needed
Unfortunately since it’s inception the Smiths beach tower has been stripped down by the harsh weather conditions from the beach.
The rescue base is need of urgent repairs and maintenance (including re-painting in oil-rig spec paint) in order to avoid Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) issues / the structure becoming condemned; and to ensure that the two structures can continue serving the Phillip Island Nature Park (PINP) / Bass Coast Shire Council (BCSC) residents and visitors and Life Saving Victoria (LSV) lifeguard service over the next 20-25 years.
The required works includes
Wall panel works
Stair removal and replacement
Insitu painting works
We’re halfway on our journey to raise 138K
If you’d like to donate to this cause please head to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/donate and select ‘Smiths Beach Rescue Base’ when filling out the donation form.
For more information on the rescue base head HERE
Callout for historic club items!
We now have a new email address historian@woolamaibeach.asn.au which is a great way to send in any photos or historic information you might have for the club’s records!
Hello to all Woolamai Members
From Graeme Clauscen, Club Historian
From the Archives a little bit of History !
S.L.S.A. Poster from 1977
Woolamai Aerial Photo 1987
I am currently working on the Club’s archives and cataloguing a lot of new items that have been given to the Club.
It is proposed that all of the items in the Club archive will be digitized and uploaded to Victorian Collections where anybody can access all of the items, on line.
The family of Dennis Harris recently provided a large number of photos and documents collected by Dennis over many years.
This is an appeal for donations of items of Historical interest to Club Members past and present. I am looking for the following:
Club Garments
T Shirts, Tops, Shorts, other Any item of clothing with the Club Name/Logo on it, condition not important.
Color or black and white photographs of Club activities over the years 1959 -2022. Where possible, detail of, Location, Date, Names, and any other relevant info.
General Memorabilia
Any item of Club interest, Medallions Trophies Certificates Pennants etc. In other words if it is part of Woolamai History I would like to know about it and see it.
If you would like to donate any item that would be great, if not we will photograph the item and return to you.
Best Wishes
Graeme Clauscen
If you would like to contact me, 0412 789 499
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
Discounted for the time being get in quick!
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for May’s Newsletter - 8th of May
Ryan Box - Director of Communications