Woolamai Newsletter - December Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
Presidents report
Board update
Life Members and Members RUOK Dinner (Paella night) - Saturday 7th January 2023
Skills maintenance Summary
Adult Bronze Medallion Course
Frank Dando Sports Academy (FDSA) Bronze Medallion Camp
Upwey High School Bronze and IRB crew camp
Club Bronze Medallion Camp
Nippers helpers needed! Water Safety + JAMS
Merchandise Stall - 28/12/22
Bass Coast Series Registrations Open!
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
President’s report
Hi everyone,
Its been a busy month for the Club.
Throughout December the Club has run three full week Bronze Camps. An enormous amount of work and planning goes into each of these -as well as many of our members giving up a week of their time to be trainers, provide water safety, cook meals and generally help out. These camps are very important to the Club and provide us with many of our patrolling members. I was fortunate enough to be able to drop in to the Upwey Bronze Camp and Club Bronze camp and was so impressed with the energy and passion being put into the camp by our Club members and also the Upwey High School team at the respective camps.
This is on the back of an excellent Skills Maintenance weekend which saw close to 100 members requalify for the season. Well done to Terry and team.
Our Club Surf Rescue Certificate Program and Nippers kick off just after Christmas so the Club will be busy. Nippers are looking for help with water safety and there are junior age manager roles available. There are several evening functions at the Clubhouse associated with these events so keep an eye on the Club Members Facebook page for when things are happening.
The season has kicked off with a number of rescues in the first few weekends. The beach conditions we are experiencing could mean a busy summer for us.
We also need to keep ourselves safe. If you go out for a rip swim or take a rescue board out, please make sure the conditions suit your ability, wear a patrol cap (or borrow a coloured cap from the gear room) and let the patrol captain know what you are doing. An extra level of caution needs to be taken after patrol hours. While we love to see our junior members developing their skills in the surf it’s a good idea to have a few experienced senior members join you on days where conditions are challenging.
In mid-December we hosted Blue Zinc Patrol to raise awareness of Men’s Mental Health. It was great to see a patrol made up of members from many different patrols. A highlight of the day was the post patrol dinner where Oscar Carlson shared a deeply personal and insightful talk about his challenges, experiences and achievements over an extraordinary life. Oscar has faced many personal challenges but they have driven him to great heights as an elite athlete, Ironman Champion, life saver and artist. A further highlight was a delicious dinner prepared by Michael ‘Boo’ Butler.
Phillip Island Nature Parks is carrying out sand clearing works around the Clubhouse in the week leading up to Christmas. These works are to clear some of the sand build up around our building ahead of major works to build a retaining wall and stabilise and revegetate the dunes. We can all play our part by staying on the tracks and staying out of the dunes.
Our Club recently took part in a project commissioned by the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia which is looking at reducing the risks of natural hazards and climate change on lifesaving services. A number of our senior members, representatives of SLSA and Life Saving Victoria and and industry experts visited Club facilities and came together to explore how a program might be rolled out nationally (using Woolamai Beach SLSC as the pre pilot test bed)
I’m looking forward to catching up with many of you at the upcoming Paella Night at the Clubhouse on the evening of Sat 7 January. Look out for details on how to book via the Club Members Facebook page.
Best wishes to everyone for Christmas and the festive season.
See you down the beach soon.
Jason Close - President
E: president@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Board Update
Club Hilux to be sold now that we have replacement vehicle
Club to purchase more merchandise stock for upcoming season
Paella Night on 7 Jan will be part subsidised by Club to encourage attendance-cost will be $20 per over 21 member and $10 for members under 21 years of age (See more info and how book below)
Club will purchase and install some environmentally friendly water saving showerheads. A grant will be sought before a full rollout.
General Business
Club to affiliate with Life Saving Victoria -annual requirement
Residence Accommodation fees reviewed and a new schedule of costs to be released -essentially covers cleaning costs plus small fee per member
New mattresses purchased, not to be taken upstairs, old green mattresses can be used for watching movies, sleeping upstairs is not encouraged
Club is open to providing water safety for Elite Energy triathlon/water events in March 2023 (for a fee) but more information needed
Club secretary role advertised and attracting interest. Interviews to take place later in month
Director Update
See below updates from the board:
President - Jason Close
The Alan Pitts Youth Development Fund has held its first meeting recently and is now working on growing the fund, developing it and promoting it. This fund was set up in the early 2000’s (approximately) to enable members of the Club or the public to donate funds to support training and development opportunities for junior members.
The Club is currently developing a Strategy to guide its future direction towards 2040. Brett Ellis and his firm Resilient Co will be visiting the Clubhouse and other Club facilities as part of its work to help the Club develop its Strategy.
The Club has engaged a town planning firm Jardine Johnstone to prepare a planning application to Shire of Bass Coast to stabilise and revegetate dunes around the Clubhouse and build a retaining wall. If the application is successful works should be able to commence following the completion of the season.
Following an expression of interest process, Rex Mynott has put his hand up to become Club Bar Manager. This role will involve purchasing stock, developing procedures and ensuring that Club members operating the bar have appropriate responsible service of alcohol qualifications. Welcome Rex.
A number of Club representatives will be attending a Life Saving Victoria forum on ‘Volunteer burnout’. Hopefully this will help us to find ways to ensure we do not wear out our hard working members.
Vice president - Brendan Smart
I am currently working on a number of exciting workstreams including:
Negotiating a lease of a section of the San Remo Recreation Centre,
Re-negotiating the Clubhouse lease with Phillip Island Nature Park,
Executing a shade grant for new marquees
Executing a grant with the Bass Coast Shire Council
Working with Swellnet / Fiicomms to install Wifi and CCTV at the Residence and a live stream of Smiths Beach in the Woolamai Tower (note: please do not touch the TV in the Woolamai Tower)
Renewing the registration for all our vehicles and trailers with Vic Roads
Friendly reminder
A significant amount of money and volunteer time goes into ensuring that Woolamai Members have the latest and greatest Clubhouse and equipment, including a new Hilux ($60k+), new IRB ($25k+), new bunk beds (thousands of dollars) and new mattress and mattress protectors ($230+ each).
The patrol season officially commenced on the 27th of November and so I thought it would be a good opportunity to remind all our Members to please treat the Clubhouse and equipment with the upmost respect.
I was truly disappointed to learn this week that our new Hilux had been deliberately driven through a sandy and salty puddle in the car park, that our newest IRB has been scratched while been dragged through the Clubhouse last season and to see three mattresses left in the training room, without their mattress protectors, at 11.35am on the first Sunday patrol of the season (the training room is not to be used as a bunk room, please sleep on the new mattresses, in the new bunk beds and please use the new mattress protectors provided.
On the other hand, I continue to be impressed by what Team Woolamai has achieved over the off season and is achieving on a day to day basis. Almost daily I hear stories of Members going above and beyond to make this Club the best there ever was. Keep up the great work and see you on the beach soon!
Vice president - Annie Coleman
Away this month
Administration & Finance - Christian Born
The club is sitting in a good financial position as we kick off the new season. We have received a few grants from local council, state government and LSV which go a long way in allowing us to perform our critical work and maintain our awesome equipment/facility. Thank you to our grant sponsors!
Lifesaving Services - Campbell Smart
The 22/23 lifesaving season has officially commenced with Volunteer patrols and Paid Lifeguards commencing patrols on the 26th of November. The lifesavers and lifeguards were warmly welcomed back onto the beach by the public and was a good sight to see.
Summer is well and truly upon us, and the season ahead is looking very exciting. The social calendar is jam packed and the patrol roster has all been released. We have already had numerous camps run with lovely new members emerging which we welcome into the club and we still have a few more to come. The lifesaving services team has worked very hard in the leadup to the season, so I thank them for their efforts there.
We look forward to seeing everyone down the club this summer, and we’ll see you between the red and yellow flags.
Member Development - Terry Aslanidis
See camp and course updates throughout
Alan Pitts Youth Development Fund Committee
Formulated a committee consisting of the following members: Terry Aslanidis - Director, Bernd Neubauer – Chair, Alan McLean, Noel Henderson
First meeting was 17th November where we spoke about the following:
Establishing the committee and allocating roles
How the fund will be used
How we can advertise the fund
Different methods into inserting money into the fund
Assets - Darrell Clark
Nothing submitted
Competition - Susan Fawaz
Nothing submitted
Junior Development - Tanya Pinnock
Nothing submitted
Communications - Ryan Box
Bass Coast Series promotion well underway! Just over 1 month until the series kicks off with the Cape Paterson Aquathon. Have a look when you’re next coming to the island for some promotional posters near the bridge! - https://www.basscoastseries.com.au/ for more information
Patrol uniforms successfully ordered and distributed to camp attendees
Merchandise is currently on it’s way to the club. A big thank you to FI Blackmore and everyone who has helped organise and transport boxes.
Sustainability - Louise Smith
Have a look next time you’re at the club for the Sustainability Committee’s sustainable Christmas tree!
Life Members and Members RUOK Dinner (Paella night) - Saturday 7th January 2023
Put Saturday the 7th of January 2023 in the diary everyone for one of the biggest days of the season so far!
Gerries Patrol 1pm - 5pm
Club Champs - More info to come - stay tuned!
Life Members and Members RUOK Dinner
TIME: 7-7:30pm
- $20 ADULTS
- $10 UNDER 21’s
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL VIA HERE - Closes Monday 4pm Monday 2nd January
As we need to provide information to the Paella company, bookings must be made in advance.
WHAT: This year we have Melbourne Paella Co. providing our meal!
Bar will be open after Patrol (RSAs required to work behind bar)
(For those who are technologically challeged email/phone Macca your numbers, e: maccamcl@hotmail.com / m: 0409 234 642)
After dinner Life Governor Alan Lawry will give a brief talk about his thoughts (and others) on an awareness initiative for RUOK within our membership.
This year we have Melbourne Paella Co. providing our meal as Andrew and Hamish weren't available.
A little bit about the company. We aim to provide your function with a delicious and memorable experience for your guests.
We recommend two or three types of paella to choose from to cover all of your guests dietary requirements:
Sustainable Seafood
Chicken & Chorizo
Our Paellas are made with the freshest and highest quality of produce including fresh boneless chicken, high quality authentic mild chorizo, and fresh seasonal vegetables. We do not compromise on quality or abundance. The paellas are cooked 100% from scratch right in front of all your guests and we feel they have the finest flavours of any paella in Melbourne. Your guests will enjoy watching the visual display, the cooking technique, the aromas, and eventually the delicious main course.
Dietary requirements - no problem! Paella is 100% gluten free, dairy free, nut free, healthy, and absolutely delicious! Our vegetarian paella is also suitable for vegans.
Unfortunately multiple items can’t be selected at once. The way around this is to select 1 option and add to cart, and then go back to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/shop/wbslsc-life-members-and-members-dinner and select another option. This will show both units in your cart. Alternatively multiple payments can be made.
Any issues with booking or for more information please contact Macca - maccamcl@hotmail.com, Ryan Box - communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au, Terry Aslanidis memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au
We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be an amazing night!
Skills Maintenance Weekend
Woolamai Beach SLSC conducted it’s first full weekend of Skills Maintenance on the 3rd & 4th December post COVID. The weekend was a huge success seeing just under 100 members complete their Bronze SM, as well as over 10 SRC’s, 40 IRBC and 20 IRBD.
Thank you to all the members who attended and a big shout out to the training team who assisted over the weekend:
Christian Born
Alan (Aquamole) Hailes
Alice Harrison
Nick Reynolds
Campbell Smart
David Ellison
Due to the recent storm events and water quality issues around Port Phillip Bay, Life Saving Victoria have decided to extend the expiry on all awards till the 31st January 2023.
The club will be running one more Skills Maintenance session sometime in January so please register then.
Adult Bronze Medallion Course
The Woolamai Beach SLSC and Inverloch Beach SLSC joined forces to provided a combined Adult Bronze Medallion Course run at Inverloch. The 2 weekend course saw 4 Woolamai members and 6 Inverloch members gain their Bronze Medallion.
“It was great to see Ellie Ryan (Trainer) get to teach her mum, aunty and cousin in this course. Ellie who is patrol captain of Hellfish, will now be joined by 4 additional family members, including Tom (cousin) who recently completed the Bronze Medallion Camp with the club!”
If you are a Nipper parent wanting to gain your Bronze Medallion, please contact training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Frank Dando Sports Academy Camp (FDSA)
After 2 seasons of not being able to run the program, the FDSA Camp returned back at the club in late November to run its annual SRC/Bronze Courses.
Students ranging from 12-17 years of age were tested in challenging conditions throughout the week. The Teachers who are all Bronze qualified, were assisted by 3 club members to provide a high quality SRC/Bronze course.
Special mention to Evan Richter and Michael Butler who assisted the teachers on camp with water safety.
Upwey High School Bronze and IRB Crew
The Upwey High School (UHS) Bronze Medallion and Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew Camp commenced from the 5th December - 9th December. This camp is run by the UHS teachers, as well as past students, who have been through the program.
The Year 10 Students completed their First Aid qualification in October while the Year 11 students completed their Advanced Resuscitation Techniques qualification in September.
In December, the Year 10’s complete their Bronze Medallion and Year 11’s complete their IRB Crew awards.
Training Team Consists of:
Bronze Medallion:
Coordinator: Bianca Meyers
Trainers: Grant Nichol, Judy Andreola
Assessors: Stafford Smith, Pat Nichol
Facilitators: Dean Biddau
IRB Crew:
Coordinators: Liam Comber & Evan Richter
Trainers: Rex Mynott, Michael Butler
Assessors: Liam Comber, Evan Richter
Facilitator: Christian Born

Club Bronze Medallion Camp

After 2 long years, the annual club Bronze Medallion Camp ran at its biggest capacity thus far! The club saw 49 candidates complete the core lifesaving award, learning valuable skills and gaining life-long friends throughout the week long live in camp.
The camp was so big that prior to the camp starting, more bunkbeds were made to accommodate all the candidates!
The candidates and trainers were tested throughout the week from challenging surf conditions to hungry growing candidates. Luckly, there wasn’t a shortage on food with Michael (Boo) Butler cooking up a storm each night.
I am extremely impressed with the training team’s continual support in delivering high quality training and providing an unforgettable experience to our new Bronzies.
Welcome to the Wooli Family!
Training Team Special Mentions
Coordinator: Izzy Clark
Lead Trainer: Ellie Ryan
Lead Water Safety: Jordan Kuerschner
Trainers: Erin Close, Michael Butler, Lachlan Casey, Emma Gallagher, Josh Broughton, Hannah Wallis, Lily Blayney, Phoebe Clark
Watersafety: Alex Lee, Ava Close, Ava Freeman, Emily Ross, Izzy Bulach, Jasmine Kuerschner, Lucas Atkin, Lucy Donnelly, Luke Guilmartin,
Nippers helpers needed! Water safety + JAMS
Water Safety
Call out for Water Safety @ Nippers
Nippers runs from Thursday 29 Dec '22 to Thurs 5 Jan '23 inclusive, with a break on New Year's Day.
Our Water Safety Coordinator is Maddie Hungerford, and Stewart Irving will again return as our Water Safety Supervisor.
Water Safety @ Nippers counts towards patrol hours, and is open to SRC holders and Bronzies.
Register your interest here: https://forms.gle/tE7Md9zjw3GYpCGE6
Maddie Hungerford will work through people's availability and communicate rosters to those who have registered, so keep an eye out for her messages
JAMs (Junior Age Managers) is Back @ Nippers
We are thrilled to announce the JAMs program (Junior Age Managers program) is back @ Nippers this season. Designed for recent SRC and Bronze graduates with a flare for leadership and a love for helping others, JAMs are directly supervised by Nippers Age Managers, and lead and instruct Nippers through each session.
To be a part of the JAMs program, our youth members complete some online training prior to attending a compulsory face-to-face training session at Cleeland Bight Beach (Cape Woolamai) on Wednesday 28 December from 9:00am-12:00pm. JAMs allocated to the Smiths Beach program will be required to attend an alternate program at Smiths Beach on Wednesday 28 December from 8am to 2pm.
Nippers runs Thur 29/12/22-Thur 5/1/23 inclusive, with a break on New Year's Day. JAMs are allocated to a set Nippers age group and receive support and guidance throughout the program.
Are you, or do you know, a youth member who fits the bill? Register interest now at: https://forms.gle/m3gmLTcH8xVF2uvz9
Merchandise Stall - 28/12/22
Hi all, we’re planning to run a merchandise stall on December 28th between 3-6pm alongside the Nippers bag pick up day
Feel free to pop by and pick up some merchandise for the upcoming season! There will be limited stalls this year due to a shortage of helpers so if this is something you want to get involved with in any capacity or in the future please get in touch!
Ryan Box - Director of Communications e: communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Bass Coast Series Registrations Open!
Registrations are now open for the Cape Paterson Aquathon, San Remo Channel Challenge, and Cowes Classic as well as the Little Penguin Dash.
Cape Paterson Aquathon
Sunday 22nd January 2023 @ 10:00am
San Remo Channel Challenge
Saturday 4th February 2023 @ 11:00am
Cowes Classic
Saturday 18th February 2023 @ 2:00pm
Little Penguin Dash
Saturday 18th February 2023 @ 10:30am
$40 entry
Registration costs are consistent across all 3 events!
Individuals 18 Plus - $60
Juniors U/18 - $40
Relay Teams - $90
For more information on each of the events please have a look at the website pages HERE
Website: https://www.basscoastseries.com.au/
Facebook: Bass Coast Series | Facebook
Instagram: Bass Coast Series (@basscoastseries) • Instagram photos and videos
Bass Coast Series team
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for January’s Newsletter - 8th of January
Ryan Box - Director of Communications