Woolamai Newsletter - May Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
President’s Report
Board Update
Presentation Night Tickets ~Last chance for tickets!
National volunteers week
Rash vests for Vietnam
Callout for historic club items!
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
President’s Report
We have finally reached the end of the patrolling season.
Our Club has again been successful in ensuring no lives were lost at patrolled beaches.
An enormous thank you to all of our patrolling members and those doing everything behind the scenes and off the beach to keep our Club running. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Incident on 22 April
I would like to acknowledge the commitment and efforts of members involved in the night time search and rescue which occurred at Cape Woolamai on 22 April.
Several Club members were involved in assisting Victoria police with the search for a missing man who was believed to be on the cliffs near the Pinnacles. The Club contacted Life Saving Victoria and notified them that an incident was taking place. The Club’s was stood down from the operation once the man was found motionless and with no signs of life at the bottom of the cliff after a couple of hours.
The Islanders Patrol leadership team is to be commended for its efforts in managing the difficult situation and ensuring that only the more experienced members of the patrol were exposed to the difficult search while the younger members remained supervised in the Clubhouse. The follow up and checking in with members involved by the leadership team was outstanding.
A debrief took place on the night and the Club’s incident follow up process was enacted. This involved the Club and Life Saving Victoria making contact with members involved. Life Saving Victoria also conducted counselling at the Clubhouse on Anzac Day. Senior Club members continued follow up contact with members and parents of members involved. A number of Board members and senior Club members also made trips to the Island in the days following the incident to check in with those involved.
Life saving can throw these challenging situations at us sometimes but it is reassuring to know that we have incident follow up procedures and Club leaders that do their utmost to support each other.
Work to begin soon on Clubhouse surrounds
The Club will shortly be appointing a contractor to commence works on sand removal, dune stabilisation and the construction of a retaining wall surrounding the Clubhouse.
These works have been planned for several years and will attempt to reduce the encroachment of dunes towards the Clubhouse by: removing a significant volume of sand from the dunes adjacent to the gear storage area of the Clubhouse; repairing the blow out in the dune system which is contributing to dune build up; distributing sand along the foredune and constructing a 60 metre long 1.7m high concrete retaining wall and then carrying out significant revegetation of the dune system.
In 2022 the Club obtained a Building Better Regions Fund grant from the Commonwealth Government and a commitment from Phillip Island Nature Parks for some funding of the project. The Club has also made a significant financial commitment of its own to the project. The Club is pursuing further grants to assist.
The Club has now secured land owner consent, Aboriginal cultural heritage consent exemption, a Marine and Coastal Act consent, a planning permit from Bass Coast Shire and a Removal of Protected Flora permit from the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action.
Sand removal, dune stabilisation and retaining wall construction is expected to commence in July and be completed in August. Revegetation works are expected to continue throughout spring.
More detailed and up to date information about the effect on access to the Clubhouse will be communicated in due course when more details are known.
Graeme Clauscen isn’t just one of our longest serving life members and official Club historian. He has recently added chief rat catcher to his impressive list of achievements. GC disposed of a record sized rat while working on Club archives at the Clubhouse recently.
Please note that any food left at the Clubhouse which is not in a sealed container will be thrown out during the off season so that by removing the food source, we can discourage these unwelcome visitors. Under no circumstances is anyone to bring pets into the Clubhouse as a) we are in a nature reserve and b) they are at risk of swallowing rat poison.
See you down the beach soon.
Jason Close - President
E: president@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Board Update
Club has resolved to proceed with the sand removal/dune stabilisation/retaining wall/revegetation components of the Woolamai Beach SLSC Environs Management Plan project. Due to the need to obtain multiple statutory approvals and significant increases in the cost of concrete and construction materials the overall cost of the project will significantly exceed the Club’s initial funding commitment. The Club has also amended the scope of the project to extend the length of the retaining wall along the dune at the front of the Clubhouse and widen the driveway entrance to the Clubhouse.
The Commonwealth Grant will see some of the project costs reimbursed to the Club. Phillip Island Nature Parks contribution to the project has been partially received with respect to sand clearing already conducted. The balance will consist of payments and vegetation works to the remaining value.
The Club has submitted further grant applications to Bendigo Community Bank and Coastcare. However even if these grants are successful the Club will be required to fund the project beyond its initial commitment.
· In order to reduce project costs, the Board has resolved to postpone the concrete pathway and bin enclosure component of the project until the results of further grant applications are known. The Club will also wait for the first payment instalment from Phillip Island Nature Parks before it engages a contractor for the sand removal/retaining wall.
The Board carefully considered the need for the sand clearing, dune stabilisation and retaining wall/sand clearing due to the significant funds required to be expended. However it was considered to be an essential project needed to stabilise the dunes surrounding the Clubhouse and prevent the Clubhouse being further inundated. The works are also considered necessary to ensure the long term presence of the Clubhouse in this location.
A condition of the planning permit for removal of native vegetation associated with the project requires the Club to purchase a vegetation offset in another part of Victoria (to compensate for the vegetation being removed as part of the project). A quote of approximately $4K has been received. The Board has resolved to attempt to renegotiate this requirement due to the significant amount of revegetation which will be occurring on site. If the requirement cannot be renegotiated, then the requirement will need to be met as the project cannot proceed as the offset requirement must be met prior to works commencing on site.
General Business
The Club has acknowledged the commitment and efforts of members involved in the night time search and rescue which occurred at Cape Woolamai on 22 April. The patrol leadership team did a terrific job in managing the situation and ensuring that only the more experienced members were exposed to the difficult search while the younger members of the patrol remained in the Clubhouse. The Club’s incident follow up process has been enacted and this has involved counselling conducted by Life Saving Victoria at the Clubhouse as well as follow up contact from senior Club members.
The 2022/23 Annual General Meeting will be held at the Clubhouse -likely date is the morning of Sunday 30 July. Members who wish to vote or participate in the meeting will be required to attend the Clubhouse, however streaming for viewing the meeting may be available (subject to technology constraints)
While a number of Board members are likely to re-nominate for positions for the 2023/24 season there will be some Board members who do not re-nominate. A call for nominations will be put out prior to the Board meeting in accordance with the Club’s Constitution.
The Bass District Leaders Forum will take place at Cape Paterson on Saturday 27 May. This will involve approx. 6 representatives of each of the Clubs in the Bass District. The forum will provide an opportunity for networking, exchange of ideas and discussion of how the Clubs can support each other.
Director Update
See below updates from the board:
President - Jason Close
Presentation Night will be an important focus over the next month. Some very deserving members will be receiving awards, a number of important VIPs have been invited including our life governors, life members, our Events team, our local member Jordan Crugnale MP and representatives from Phillip Island Nature Parks.
The nomination process and possible election of Board members for the 2023/24 season will commence soon. Board members are encouraged to indicate whether they plan to renominate for next season and if not, assist in encouraging others with suitable skills to do so (having regard to the fact that prospective Board members and returning Board members will have to nominate and possibly be elected)
The Club recently received its planning permit from Bass Coast Shire. This is the key approval required to carry out dune stabilisation works, build a retaining wall and revegetate dunes surrounding the Clubhouse. The Club will now consider appointing a contractor to commence works mid-year.
During May the Club is also expected to receive its permit to remove native flora from Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action. This permit will required dune works and retaining wall construction to be completed prior to 31 August 2023 -to avoid bird nesting season (an application to extend this date may be considered)
In April, the Club received its first grant re-imbursement for expenses incurred in the Woolamai Beach SLSC Environs Management Plan grant project. It is great to see some money ($30K) coming back to the Club after it has incurred expenses for the project. Further claims and re-imbursements will occur throughout remaining stages of the project.
Life Saving Victoria has released its Volunteer Burnout Forum report. A copy of the report will be forwarded to Board Members. The forum identified a range of actions and solutions needed to improve training and assessment, systems, resourcing, communication and compliance.
The Council of Life Saving Clubs is made up of delegates from each Club. Its role is to assist LSV and the LSV Board to ensure the growth, ongoing success and sustainability of Clubs in Victoria. I am the delegate/council member from our Club. The Council has updated its Action Plan for 2022-23. The council and LSV are carrying out a range of actions relating to strategic planning resource
development, good club governance, enhancing long term financial sustainability, providing advocacy and support on Clubhouses and facilities, encouraging sustainable membership recruitment, increasing retention of members, enhancing administrative efficiencies and enhancement of LSV systems and reporting. A copy of the Action Plan will be circulated to Board members.
Vice president - Brendan Smart
I am currently working on a number of exciting workstreams including:
Organising repairs to the jet ski shed roller door and boat ramp
Thank you Alan ‘Aquamole’ Hailes for your help
Emailed Dave Martin (Bass Coast Shire Council) and Guy (Concreter) on 30th April for an update.
Shade Grant
New wide brim hats and sunscreen been delivered
Other Grants
Applied for a grant for a Wooli Wipeout’s board rack.
Applied for a grant to Bass Coast Shire Council for a large TV to replace the aged 9-screen TV wall.
Applied for a grant to CoastCare Victoria to complete a number of revegetation works around the Clubhouse.
Applying for a grant to LSV to complete works on the Smiths Beach Rescue Base.
Jason applying for a grant to Bendigo Bank to replace the path from the carpark to front door / public toilets.
Paid deposit from grant funds to replace upstairs single glazed windows with double glazed.
I also completed a number of other workstreams / projects that the Membership is already aware of via email / Facebook and I am working on a number of other minor workstreams / projects that don’t warrant being written here but that will be communicated in due course
Vice president - Annie Coleman
No update this month
Administration & Finance - Christian Born
No update this month
Lifesaving Services - Campbell Smart
Presentation night tickets out!
Member Development - Terry Aslanidis
Organising Presentation Night.
SEALs Program has officially been finalised with the first session commencing in May. There are a total of 11 members participating in this program.
U15 Development Camp
We have had 1 member apply for this program. Archer Dodd participated on the program along with Michael Butler as the Camp Leader
Valuing Volunteers Evening (VVE)
VVE is being held this Friday (19th) at LSV. We have again broken a record with 27 members achieving over 100+ patrol hours in the season.
Assets - Darrell Clark
No update this month
Competition - Susan Fawaz
No update this month
Junior Development - Tanya Pinnock
No update this month
Communications - Ryan Box
No update this month
Sustainability - Louise Smith
No update this month
Presentation Night Tickets - Last Chance
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Presentation Night is creeping up on us with only 5 days to go now! If you haven’t already purchased your ticket, i don’t know what you are thinking? This is the biggest club event for the year, celebrating the achievements of our fellow club members.
Want to find out who takes home the prestigious Presidents Award for 2023?
Event Details
When: Saturday, 20th May 2023
Where: Silverwater Resort - 17 Potters Hill Rd, San Remo VIC 3925
Time: 6:30pm arrival for a 7:00pm start - 10:00pm
Dress Code: Formal Attire
The last date to purchase a ticket is 16th May. https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/events/presentation-night-2022-23
National Volunteers Week
Volunteers play a big part in our organisation and lifesaving club. From running the BBQ and being a Nipper age manager to patrolling on our beaches or working behind the scenes, everyone plays a big part.
This week (15th - 21st May) marks the start of National Volunteer Week (NVW) which is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering.
See below some of the events the club and LSV are doing to celebrate this week!
Check out our external socials on Facebook and Instagram as we recognise some of our Members every day this week!
LSV's Valuing Volunteers Evening (VVE) is being held this Friday for members who have achieved over 100+ patrolling hours this season. Keep an eye out in the June Newsletter to find out which members achieved this award
Woolamai's annual Presentation Night is this Saturday! Tomorrow will be your last chance to purchase a ticket as we get set to celebrate our members achievements from the season just gone!
A big thank you to all our members who contribute greatly to our club and service and kindly volunteer their time in many different ways.
Rash vests for Vietnam
A few seasons ago, back when our current president Jason was the Nippers director, Life Saving Victoria put a call out to clubs to donate second hand rash vests which would be taken overseas to Vietnam and given to disadvantaged children to wear during swimming lessons.
Having just changed rash vest style leaving a few spares in the shed, Jason and the nippers team arranged for some rash vests and second hand bathers and board shorts to go to LSV.
Just last week Jason received an email with our rash vests in action! There had been a few delays due to Covid but seeing them being put to good use makes it all worth it!
As life savers we all know how important it is for children to be able to learn to swim.
In countries like Vietnam there are lots of drownings as many families can't afford swimming lessons. Therefore any barriers we can remove and anything we can do to make it easier for others is so important.
How good is it to see the Woolamai logo in pictures like these!
Callout for historic club items!
Hello to all Woolamai Members
From Graeme Clauscen, Club Historian
From the Archives a little bit of History !
S.L.S.A. Poster from 1977
Woolamai Aerial Photo 1987
I am currently working on the Club’s archives and cataloguing a lot of new items that have been given to the Club.
It is proposed that all of the items in the Club archive will be digitized and uploaded to Victorian Collections where anybody can access all of the items, on line.
The family of Dennis Harris recently provided a large number of photos and documents collected by Dennis over many years.
This is an appeal for donations of items of Historical interest to Club Members past and present. I am looking for the following:
Club Garments
T Shirts, Tops, Shorts, other Any item of clothing with the Club Name/Logo on it, condition not important.
Color or black and white photographs of Club activities over the years 1959 -2022. Where possible, detail of, Location, Date, Names, and any other relevant info.
General Memorabilia
Any item of Club interest, Medallions Trophies Certificates Pennants etc. In other words if it is part of Woolamai History I would like to know about it and see it.
If you would like to donate any item that would be great, if not we will photograph the item and return to you.
Best Wishes
Graeme Clauscen
If you would like to contact me, 0412 789 499
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for June’s Newsletter - 8th of June
Ryan Box - Director of Communications