Weekly Club Update-30-5-2024
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 30-5-2024
Bass 100+ Hours Celebration
LSV Governance Review
Watch that video . . .again! - 23/24 Season Video
Mayor’s message about the club
Bushwalker rescue - A thank you to the club
Stocktake sale – Sunday 9 June
Smiths Beach Rescue Base Repairs - Donations needed
LSV News
Bass 100+ Hours Celebration
Dear Members,
Please join us in celebrating members who have achieved over 100 voluntary hours of patrolling during the 2023/24 surf lifesaving season.
To celebrate this outstanding achievement, you are cordially invited to a special event from 5.00pm-9:30pm on Saturday 8 June 2024 at Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club.
You will be joined by others from Cape Paterson, Inverloch, Venus Bay, Waratah Beach, Wonthaggi Surf Life Saving clubs and our very own members from Woolamai who have also achieved this significant milestone, as well as a number of special guests from each of these Clubs.
There will be finger food, live music and drinks can be purchased at Club bar prices.
If you wish to bring family, friends, partners, tickets can be purchased for $25 per adult and $15 per child.
Dress code is 'dress to impress' or semi-formal.
To RSVP and book tickets to the first annual Bass 100+ Celebration please click link below and complete the requested information.
We hope to see you there.
General Ticket Link.
Glenn Arnold, President, Inverloch Surf Life Saving Club - Community Page
Ray Rust, President, Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club
Kimberley Gee, President, Venus Bay Surf Life Saving Club
Richard Tremewen, President, Waratah Beach SLSC
Mark Scott, President, Wonthaggi LSC
Jason Close, President, Woolamai Beach SLSC
LSV Governance Review
In December 2023, a report was released following a review of LSV’s governance structure. The review is the most substantial that’s occurred since LSV’s formation in 2002. 15 recommendations were made, including the rationalisation of governance structures (eg LSV Board holds central authority, with Councils becoming advisory bodies accountable to LSV executives). LSV provided a response to the report in January 2024, supporting the majority of the recommendations and formed a working group to progress the review. If you want to engage with how lifesaving governance and management in Victoria is structured in future years, please have a read and get involved. If you’d like to share your views with the Board please email WoolamaiBoard@woolamaibeach.asn.au or contact Jason Close (President) or Fi Blackmore (Vice President).
Watch that video . . .again! - 23/24 Season Video
Those at last Saturday night’s club Presentation Night were treated to an awesome video recap of season 2023/24. Huge thanks to Erin Close and everyone else involved in pulling it together. If you’d like to see it again, check it out here.
Mayor’s message about the club
Some great feedback about our amazing work from one of our special guests at Presentation Night
Bushwalker rescue - A thank you to the club
One Saturday evening in April a couple of bushwalkers were lost out on Cape Woolamai. It was a cold and very dart night and our members prepared to assist other local emergency services with a search and rescue. Fortunately we were not required as the VicPol helicopter was called and found the walkers and winched them to safety.
Afterwards we took part in the debrief and were given a tour of the VicPol helicopter which was very exciting.
Sergeant Tim Ryan from Wonthaggi Police sent us a thank you email and a message of thanks from the walkers:
Please find below an excerpt of an email which was sent to police from Reza and Jenny who were lost (and then found) in Bushland at Cape Woolamai on the 13th of April 2024. Your staff attended and provided assistance.
My name is Reza and I am one of the two people that your brave team came with a helicopter and rescued on the 13th of April from the Cape Woolamai park. Chen Nee (Jenny) and I would like to thank you once again for your act of heroism and great professionalism that you show cased during our rescue.
The memory of that night and the thrill of seeing the chopper coming to our rescue will be happily with us for the rest of our lives. We have told our friends and family about your act of bravery and the efficiency of action. Please extend our gratitude to the local volunteering community, CFA fire fighters, Ambulance Victoria, SES team and anyone else who we caused trouble that night. We have learned our lesson not to go hiking next the water during sunset and tide 😊.
If we ever come to Philip Island again we will definitely come to your stations to say hi and also bring some cake or cookies for the staff.
This great team effort of all emergency services resulted in this successful outcome. Can you please pass this onto your respective staff who attended.
Stocktake sale – Sunday 9 June
We want to sell it, not count it! Come and get some warm gear at great bargain prices – everything is half price or less, and items start from $5!
Come and see Mel & the merch team at the clubhouse 12-3 on Sunday 9 June (Kings Birthday long weekend).
And, if you have a few hours to spare, we’d love a hand to count our gear – if we don’t sell it all first! If you can help, or have a question, email merchandise@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Smiths Beach Rescue Base Repairs - Donations needed
Unfortunately since it’s inception the Smiths beach tower has been stripped down by the harsh weather conditions from the beach.
The rescue base is need of urgent repairs and maintenance (including re-painting in oil-rig spec paint) in order to avoid Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) issues / the structure becoming condemned; and to ensure that the two structures can continue serving the Phillip Island Nature Park (PINP) / Bass Coast Shire Council (BCSC) residents and visitors and Life Saving Victoria (LSV) lifeguard service over the next 20-25 years.
The required works includes
Wall panel works
Stair removal and replacement
Insitu painting works
If you’d like to donate to this cause please head to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/donate and select ‘Smiths Beach Rescue Base’ when filling out the donation form.
For more information on the rescue base head HERE
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE
Events Calendar
To view our club calendar which includes social events, patrol events and more, click here https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/events
Training Calendar
To view our club training calendar which includes all courses/camps run by the club, click here https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/training-calendar